Iceland national poomsae and talent team 2021-2022


The Try outs for the Icelandic National Poomsae Team 2022 & Talent Team 2022 were held on September 3rd 2021 in Ármann and was a great success with 37 people signing up in hopes of becoming a part of the two Teams. National Coach – Lisa Lents from Denmark conducted the election.

“I would like to congratulate you all with your election or a reelection to the Poomsae National Team 2021/2022 & the Talent Team 2021/2022 and acknowledge you for the performances shown at the audition. I was pleased and proud to see you doing your best while performing and showing motivation to be elected to the Teams. I hope that you will do your best to preserve and strengthen your motivation to develop in the upcoming season. I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate the reelected members with the great achievements in the last season during the difficult time of lockdown, where many were keeping active with online training, online tournaments and seminars! I hope that you will work even harder in the upcoming season, because there are many more victories & goals to come on your path. Lastly I would like to congratulate the appointed Talent Team Coaches 2022; Eyþór Atli Reynisson, Álfdís Freyja Hansdóttir & María Guðrún Sveinbjörnsdóttir. I’m very happy that they have agreed to contribute with their great experience & knowledge & will assist me with the development of our Talent Team.” said National coach, Lisa Lents.

Ljósmynd: Tryggvi Rúnarsson
Ljósmynd: Tryggvi Rúnarsson

The new National Team of Iceland now consists of 30 athletes with 8 brand new members who I would like to give a special welcome: Ásta Kristbjörnsdóttir, Bjarki Kjartansson, Amir Maron Ninir, Jenný María Jóhannsdóttir, Bryndís Eir Sigurjónsdóttir, Símon Máni Leonardsson
Francis, Davíð Snær Leonardsson Francis & Patrik Bjarkason. Also big congratulations to Justina Kiskeviciute & Guðni Friðmar J Ásmundsson, who advanced from the Talent Team 2020 to the National Team 2021/2022.

Álfdís Freyja Hansdóttir
Aþena Rán Stefánsdóttir
Aþena Kolbeins
Antje Dietersdóttir
Ásthildur Emma
Ásta Kristbjörnsdóttir
Anna Jasmine Njálsdóttir
Amir Maron Ninir
Benedikta Valgerður Jónsdóttir
Bjarki Kjartansson
Bryndís Eir Sigurjónsdóttir
Davíð Snær Leonardsson Francis
Eyþór Atli Reynisson
Gerður Eva Halldórsdóttir
Guðmundur Flóki Sigurjónsson
Guðni Friðmar J Ásmundsson
Hildur Baldursdóttir
Hulda Dagmar
Justina Kiskeviciute
Jenný María Jóhannsdóttir
María Guðrún Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Milan Chang Gudjonsson
Patrik Bjarkason
Pétur Arnar Kristinsson
Pétur Valur Thors
Regína Bergmann Guðmundsdóttir
Rudolf Konráð Rúnarsson
Snorri Esekíel Jóhannesson
Símon Máni Leonardsson Francis
Víglundur Þór Víglundsson

Christian Eyjólfur Mba
Erling Kári Freysson
Eva Þóra Seljan Hauksdóttir
Gunnar Alexander Freysson
Leevi Elí Kaunio Sveinbjörnsson
Sigurjón Kári Eyjólfsson
Ulfur Darri Sigurdsson

All of the athletes who were present at the try outs, were invited to this weekend’s National
Team training:
SATURDAY – 4th September 2021 – Afturelding:
18.00: Dinner for members & parents
SUNDAY – 5th September – Ármann
Current members (new NT members are welcome)
Both teams will receive a welcome letter on email with information about the upcoming events for the National Team & the Talent team in the upcoming weeks.
For any questions, feel free to contact National Coach on email:
Best regards,
Lisa Lents
National Coach Iceland
in collaboration with TKÍ